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Ramping Up For Christmas Events At Hog Roast Buckden

Now that it is November the Christmas creep officially begins. Though for some that might be worthy of an eye roll, as a caterer it is extremely important to be aware of because it means that the busiest time of year is upon us. Here at Hog Roast Buckden we have already been putting the final preparations into our Christmas catering services to ensure our teams are primed and ready for the many seasonal events we’ll be serving from now until after New Year. That has meant giving refresher courses for each of our Hog Roast Buckden teams across the country, it has meant setting up our orders for our seasonal ingredients, and it has meant our chefs putting the final touches to our seasonal menus so that every single event can enjoy the very best of our Christmas roasts.

Hog Roast BuckdenChristmas is always the busiest time of year for any caterer. Throughout the year weddings will take up most of a caterers schedule, but come November through to even January sometimes it is almost wall to wall Christmas events. In the UK it is tradition for work offices to have staff nights out to end the year, or even for workplaces to throw a Christmas party for their staff, and so each of these require catering from the likes of Hog Roast Buckden. Schools too will make use of catering teams to hold Christmas parties for the kids, and university clubs will also often throw together a Christmas event before students head off home for the holidays. All this is to say, just about everyone wants a Christmas event at this time of year, and so Hog Roast Buckden teams all across the UK have to be prepped for their best!

Plus, at Hog Roast Buckden we also have the added caveat that we are first and foremost a roast caterer year-round anyway, so come Christmas a lot of customers look to us specifically over other caterers. When you are renowned for roast dining, it makes sense that folk will want you for the roast dinner of the year.

We’re not complaining however, because we love catering for the season just as much as you love having us! So, we’ll be awaiting your call for Christmas events this year already!

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